Considering Becoming A Foster Parent? Information You Should Know

14 July 2022
 Categories: , Blog


Most, if not all, states need foster parents to care for children of all ages, as well as children with disabilities. If you would like to become a foster parent, there are many steps you must take to become one. Below is more information about this so you can get started helping children.


A foster care agency will do a complete evaluation to ensure that you will make a good foster parent. They do this by going through a certain process to ensure you meet all the qualifications. This includes being able to care for the child 24 hours a day, seven days a week. You also need to be already financially stable. You need to be an understanding and patient person and be flexible. 

The agency will make sure your home is protected from fire by having smoke detectors installed. They will also make sure there are no safety hazards. For example, if you have a pool, it must have a fence and a gate around it. The agency will do an extensive background check on you. Your home state may have its own set of requirements. You can become a foster parent if you are single or married. 

Getting Certified

How you get certified will depend on the state that you live in but there are steps that must be done in almost any state you live in. For example, you first need to contact the Child Welfare office in your area, and they can give you information on what you need to do and your state requirements. This office will give you a list of agencies and phone numbers. 

Once you find an agency call them to set up an appointment. They will need to know your name, address, email address, and phone number. The agency may want to meet with you in your home. You will then be given an application to complete and other forms to fill out. This gives the agency information they need to know if you would be a good fit to foster a child, as well as the type of child to foster. For example, you may be better with older children, or you may be good for babies or children with disabilities. 

The agency will likely do a home study, which means they will talk with everyone that lives in the home. They will ask you for references and check each one. The agency may ask you about your own childhood and relationships. If approved, at this point you may be asked to go through some training before you can receive your license.

The agency you hire can give you much more information on foster parenting.